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St Stephen’s Bible Study Restarts on Monday, August 26
Our weekly Monday night Bible Study group will restart after the summer holidays on Monday, August 26.
The group meets on Zoom and is led by Bob R. They currently read and discuss the passages for the
upcoming Sunday. Email the Parish Office for access codes.

Bible Study at Other Anglican Parishes in Burnaby
Perhaps Monday night does not work for you or perhaps you would prefer to attend an in-person Bible
Our neighbouring parishes in Burnaby would welcome you to one of these studies:
• Wednesdays, 9:30am, in person at All Saints (in Royal Oak). Currently reading and discussing the
passages for the upcoming Sunday, led by the Rev Justin Cheng.
• Tuesdays, 1:30-3:00 pm, in person at St Timothy, reading through a book of the Bible at a time, led by
the Rev James Duckett.
• Tuesdays, 7:30-9:00 pm, on Zoom with St Timothy, reading through a book of the Bible at a time, led
by the Rev James Duckett. Contact the office at St Timothy’s for more information: 604-299-6816