At St Stephen’s this Lent, we will explore three themes connected to the practice of praying with a labyrinth. Labyrinths are spiritual tools that allow the user to take a mini-pilgrimage without actually traveling. They pre-date Christianity and appear in many different cultures across time. One of the most famous labyrinths in a Christian setting is the cathedral at Chartres, France. Different people have different practices they engage with when praying with a labyrinth, but one pattern to think of three stages: “releasing as you start toward the center, receiving as you pause there, and returning as you journey back out.”
Our Lenten series this year will invite us to reflect on these three stages:
RELEASE (what might we need to let go if we are to receive the gifts God has for us?) RECEIVE (what are those gifts God has for us?)
RETURN (how might those gifts from God be drawing us into the world?).
Each 45-minute Zoom session will include a Bible reading and a reflection, along with an opportunity to consider practical steps.
Session 1: RELEASE will be on Sunday, March 13
Session 2: RECEIEVE will be on Sunday, March 20
Session 3: RETURN will be on Sunday, March 27
In the afternoon on Sunday, April 3, join Pastor Ruth to walk the Labyrinth at Colony Farm in Coquitlam.