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Pastor Ruth and the Wardens are very pleased to introduce to you our new Prayer Chain Coordinator,
Barb H! Regular worshippers will recognize Barb as our Zoom Host for Sunday worship – she’s almost always on the Zoom call, smiling down from the TV when we can see who’s in the meeting. In addition, Barb serves as a Member at Large on Parish Council. She is taking over the role of Prayer Chain Coordinator from Deacon Trudi Shaw who stepped in “temporarily” during the pandemic. We thank Trudi for her excellent work with this important ministry.

What is the Prayer Chain? The Prayer Chain consists of a small group of people who hold the specific
prayers and concerns of the parish and its members in their daily prayers. This is in addition to those for
whom we pray on a Sunday morning. The name comes from its history as a “phone tree” model where each member phoned the next creating a chain of prayer being offered. Now eleven members receive email messages from the Coordinator.

About Confidentiality: Strict confidentiality guidelines are followed to ensure the privacy of the individuals asking for prayer. Prayer team members are asked to refrain from talking about the prayer requests even if they are speaking with an individual who has asked for prayer. Only the Coordinator knows who the other members of the group are so that they are discouraged from talking amongst themselves. Pastor Ruth is always copied on prayer requests but practices the same discretion of not raising prayer concerns first in conversation.

About Prayer Requests: Prayer requests can be made by the individual in need of prayer or on behalf of
another. When appropriate, the Coordinator will connect with the person named to ensure they are
comfortable having their situation offered in prayer. Usually, a short sentence or two describing the specific need is included in the request (for quick healing and the ability to rest or for confidence and calmness in the stressful event, for example). The Prayer Chain Coordinator may follow up to continue to focus on the need of the individuals for whom we are praying. Some situations, you might ask the Prayer Chain to pray about are: illness including the diagnostic period, surgery or other hospitalization, job loss or a job interview, immigration, other legal matters, or times of particular stress (final exams, a family visit, etc).

For more information, please reach out to the Parish Office.