This unstructured hour on Wednesday evenings is an opportunity for members and friends of St Stephen's to check in and socialize. Zoom...
Dear Friends, You can read our full newsletter by opening the PDF below. Here is the text of Pastor Ruth's letter: Like all of us, I...
Our Annual Christmas Market has gone virtual. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the in-person elements of this fantastic annual event due...
Join us on Zoom for a Shrove Tuesday Social in place of the more traditional Pancake Supper. We are sharing this event with St...
In honour of our simple soup supper tradition for Maundy Thursday, we are opening the Zoom meeting up for a time of socializing. Bring...
Join us for a night of general trivia and fun on Zoom! Each team will be moved into a private breakout room for a round of questions...
Our annual Trivia Night is returning! We are excited to offer this fun evening of general trivia in a Zoom-format. Teams of 8 are...
In honour of St Francis’ feast day, we will have a Pet Blessing during worship on Sunday, October 3. Pets – leashed, caged, or...
On Sunday, September 11, we will begin our worship with a blessing for all those who start a "new year" in this month -- students of...
For the Feast of St Francis, we will be welcoming well-behaved (leashed/in carrier) pets to our worship service on Sunday, October 2nd....
Join us on Zoom for St Stephen's Trivia Night on Saturday, September 24 at 7:00 pm. Register your own team of 8 or let us create on for...
From our colleague, Jason Wood: St. Laurence Coquitlam and Good Shepherd Lutheran are partnering to lead Vacation Bible School this...
From our colleague, Jason Wood, at St Laurence, Coquitlam: The DYM (Diocesan Youth Movement) is leading a youth retreat at Camp...
Join parishioners from our neighbouring parishes for a fun day of food and fellowship! We'll be in Picnic Area 1 of Confederation Park...
The family of Annie Agatha Kerns nee Porter invites the community to celebrate her life and share in the grief of her death. The...
Join the Anglican Parishes in Burnaby for fellowship and pancakes as we celebrate the last day before Lent. This meal is hosted by St...