We gather for worship every Sunday morning at 10 am.
We worship within the Anglican tradition, using words that have been carefully crafted in advance and are provided for worshippers to follow along. We encourage the level of participation that feels right for each person -- some days just sitting and listening is enough. We try to use expansive language for God, although we lean traditional (you'll hear God called Father pretty regularly in our worship, but you'll also hear female imagery and imagery that doesn't rely on gender). The space and structure of the liturgy can feel very formal, but we are not rigid about it. Often it is in what we think is a "mistake" that the Holy Spirit speaks most loudly.
Our worship usually includes hearing from the Bible and a chance to reflect on what we have heard. Most often the reflection is offered as a sermon or homily. We also include an opportunity to name silently or aloud people, places, and events for which we want to pray. We sing a mix of traditional hymns and more contemporary praise music. This time of worship usually includes Holy Eucharist (or Holy Communion). In our tradition that is offered through bread (we use a wheat-based wafer with a gluten-free, rice-based alternative available) and wine. It is our belief that Communion is fully recieved in just one kind. We practice an open table -- inviting anyone who feels called to receive Communion to do so. A blessing from the priest is also available in place of Holy Communion.
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